Innovative Engineering Service
Building on our advanced technologies, we provide innovative engineering services that deliver real value.

Bearing Re-manufactunng | Remanufacturing is an approach which focuses onrefurbishing undamaged parts and replacing womcomponentslike friction materials, offering a more cost-effective and eco-friendly alterna tive to full replacementlEC,in collaboration with China's National EngineeringCenter, pioneered the pilot remanufacturing projec onthe Sutong Bridge (span at 1088 meters, by then theworld's longest cable-stayed bridge),remanufacturinghundredsof pot andspherical bearings. |
Removable Top-of- PierRotation System | Bridge rotation systems allow construction of highwaybridges parallel to railways before rotating them intoposition, minimizing rail traffic disruption.Unlikeconventionalpermanent bottom-of-piermethods, lEC's innovative system allows for postrotation removal of the mechanism,enabling loadtransfer to permanent bearings and reuse in futureprojects. Enhancing efficiency, cost-effectiveness, andsafety. |
Structural HealthMonitoring and Beyond | lEC SHM systems provide continuous monitoring ofstructural conditions using state-of-the-art sensors,primarily non-contact types for periodic calibration. OuradvancedTWINSAsystemelevates SHM to an adaptivetwin system, offering deeper insights into structures andenabling adaptive structural optimization and riskmitigatione-a technology we believe represents thefuture of structuralengineering. |