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Flexible Plug Joint

Design Principle

The design principle of the PUF (Polyurethane) Expansion Joint is centered on combining flexibility, durability, and structural integrity to accommodate the dynamic movements of bridges. Utilizing high-performance polyurethane elastomer as the core material, the joint efficiently absorbs and compensates for longitudinal and transverse movements, as well as vibrations caused by traffic and environmental changes. The polyurethane's elasticity ensures seamless integration with asphalt or concrete surfaces, forming a waterproof layer to protect the underlying structure from moisture. Additionally, the inclusion of aggregates or reinforcement elements, when applicable, enhances load distribution and stability, making the PUF joint an ideal solution for bridges subjected to heavy traffic and extreme temperature variations.

Suitable Applications
IEC’s PUF (Polyurethane) Expansion Joint is highly versatile and suitable for a wide range of bridge and infrastructure applications. It is particularly effective in bridges, overpasses, and complex road networks such as intersections and ramps, where it can accommodate significant movements and provide seamless driving comfort under heavy traffic loads. Its noise-dampening properties make it ideal for noise-sensitive areas like residential zones, hospitals, and schools, while its exceptional flexibility and impermeability ensure reliability in extreme temperature zones and coastal or marine environments.


Driving Comfort and Low Noise: Longevity: Impermeability: Minimal Block-Out Depth: Accommodation of Exceptional Transverse Movement: Quick and Easy Installation/Repair: