Case Study
Investigating TWINSA Adaptive Digital Twin- LV Bridge
The 2# bridge in LV features three main spans, supported by four piers: two side piers (ZX01, ZX04) with cap beams and three transversely arranged bearings, and two middle piers (ZX02, ZX03), with bearings directly supported by three columns. The continuous steel beam deck spans across all three spans, transferring loads through the bearings. The total weight of the bridge is 6400 tons, with all 12 bearings equipped with TWINSA-Bearingsmart technology.
Some important discoveries only with TWINSA.
Discovery 1: Patterned load fluctuation
Through analyzing the charts, we observed a daily recurring fluctuation pattern showing compensatory behavior between center and side bearings:
The center bearing reaches its peak load around 6 AM, while the side bearings reach their lowest. Around 4 PM, the center bearing reaches its lowest, and the side bearings peak.
At 4 PM, the combined bearing load on ZX04 and ZX01reaches its maximum, while the load on ZX02 and ZX03 is at its minimum.
On the 28th and 29th of August, the fluctuation was minimal.
Load of ZX03 Bearings from 16th Aug, 2024 to 31st Aug, 2024
Load of ZX04 Bearings from 16th Aug, 2024 to 31st Aug, 2024
Combined bearing load of ZX03 Bearings
Combined bearing Load of ZX04 Bearings